Posts in Social Justice
Join us on August 19: Indigenous Land Rights in Brazil- Strategies for advocacy and resistance

Indigenous Land Rights in Brazil: Strategies for advocacy and resistance

August 19, 2021 | 6pm EST / 19h -21h (Brasília)

Zoom Webinar with Translation. Register at

Also live streamed via the YouTube and Facebook pages of the U.S. Network for Democracy in Brazil (USNDB), and media partners below

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Brazilian Pride Rebellion and Batalá New York at the Queer Liberation March

Brazilian Pride Rebellion @ Queer liberation March NYC , June 27 . - Bryant Park to Stonewall March -- #DefendDemocracyinBrazil
Thank you Batalá-New York @batala-newyork for your music and solidarity and marching with us!

Organizad and sponsored by Defend Democracy in Brazil with support of AfroBrazilian Alliance / Coalizão Negra por Direitos.#pridenyc#queerliberationmarch #reclaimpridecoalition#solidarity #Brazil

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U.S. Network for Democracy in Brazil releases document, requests Biden Administration to suspend agreements with Bolsonaro

The U.S. Network for Democracy in Brazil (USNDB) released this week a Policy Paper with recommendations to the Biden Administration in the U.S. to, among other things, suspend agreements with the Bolsonaro government.

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Artists & activists from Extinction Rebellion, Defend Democracy in Brazil and Refuse Fascism denounce Trump and Bolsonaro, declare they want to live & ask: Which Side Are You On?
JUNE 28: Brazilian Pride Rebellion in the #QueerLiberationMarch

Convidamos a todos a participar conosco da marcha “QUEER LIBERATION MARCH FOR BLACK LIVES AND AGAINST POLICE BRUTALITY”.
#BrazilianBlackLivesMatter #MariellePresente #CancelBolsonaro #StopBolsonaro
ENCONTRO entre 12:30 PM e 12:45 PM na esquina da Church St. e Worth St.
A marcha começará à 1 PM (NY) saindo da Foley Square.
Procure pela faixa “ Brazilian Pride Rebellion” , msg instagram @defenddemocracyinbrazil ou twitter @Brazildemocracy
We will march again with our allies in the fight #cancelBolsonaro
Meet 12:30 PM at Church St/Worth St. March at 1 PM (NY) from Foley Square.

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A real testimony and video of a leader of a woman, an indigenous leader in the Guarani-Kaiowá community in the region of Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, in Brazil. Her name has been changed to guarantee her safety. Um testemunho real e video de uma líder da comunidade Guarani-Kaiowa da região de Dourados, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Seu nome foi trocado para garantir sua segurança. Please follow this story for ways to help - we will soon post links to donate. Por favor sigam essa estória para maneiras de doar e ajudar na Campanha - logo postaremos informações para doações. The full story is at:

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