Us At Work

April 2017

Photo conceived and organized by Natalia de Campos, with support from George Day and the #cancelBolsonaro coalition

Sept 5 2020

Moro Practices Lawfare, Lava Jato is a Fraud, Columbia University , March 4, 2017

Jan. 19/2019 - The groups Defend Democracy in Brazil Committee (NY), Mulheres da Resistência no Exterior (Women Resisting Abroad) , and the percussion group Fogo Azul - which is composed by women only, and many are Brazilians- had a prominent role as front liners of the Women’s March that crossed through the center of Manhattan.
We marched in solidarity with the American women by denouncing the persecution of Latina immigrants by Trump, and to the Brazilian women in Brazil who have their rights attacked and undermined by Bolsonaro’s government.