August 24, Bryant Park, NYC - enter on 41st street and 6th Avenue

1pm Protest; 2pm March


With the Defend Democracy in Brazil Committee and the #cancelBolsonaro coalition, including Extinction Rebellion Amazonia, Revolting Lesbians, Mulheres da Resistencia no Exterior, Earth Strike, Climate Save, United against Racism & Fascism, Amazon Watch, and many others

In Defense of the Amazon and the indigenous peoples, plants and animals leaving within - for the sake of our global future - we will gather at 1PM at Bryant Park (inside the park, near the 6th Ave entrance)

We will march together at 2PM on August 24, 2019, on 42nd street, towards the United Nations. This will be the kick off of 30 days showing the U.N. that they cannot have Jair Bolsonaro open the General Assembly on September 24, as Brazil usually does.

The Amazon Rainforest, the largest in the world, is BURNING!

In a few weeks, the Climate Summit is convened in the 74th General Assembly of the United Nations.
Meanwhile, literally -hundreds of acres of forest are disappearing rapidly.

And this is due to the opening of the gates of hatred caused by Jair Bolsonaro, President of Brazil, an extreme-right wing climate change denier. Big farmers, and agribusiness , are setting fire to large swaths of Brazil that include the Amazon, the Pantanal (or swamp region) of Mato Grosso, a very rich and biodiverse region, and portions of other regions, to clear for cattle raising and soybean planting. They are also burning down entire indigenous villages and killing indigenous peoples. Their president (not ours!) incited violence and opened up the land for exploitation.

Bolsonaro's government has also made clear they will lift sanctions for illegal mining, which is killing indigenous groups by poisoning their water with mercury, bringing diseases, and assassinating indigenous leaders further North. Deforestation is also happening four times faster than last year

As shown in the news, people are having breathing problems as far as in the States in Minas Gerais and São Paulo, due to the smoke and particles traveling through all the way to the southeast region.
The government tried to dismiss saying there were storm clouds but this is dry season in the region. The day turned into night on Monday at 3PM with ashes and smoke, and there was no denying it.

PLEASE JOIN US - this will be the beginning of a series of actions that will continue in September against Bolsonaro and for the Climate, around the U.N. Climate Summit and we need you there, holding signs, chanting, distributing flyers. See schedule below, and check back for updates. Also follow us on Twitter @BrazilDemocracy

#savetheAmazon #stopFascism #cancelBolsonaro


For Immediate Release:

Contact: Defend Democracy in Brazil Committee - defenddemocracyinbrazil@gmail.com

Grassroots groups in NYC call for mobilization to save the Amazon and stop policies that

allowed the fires to happen

New York, August 24, 2019 — The Defend Democracy in Brazil Committee and the

#cancelBolsonaro coalition, including Extinction Rebellion Amazonia, Revolting Lesbians,

Mulheres da Resistencia no Exterior, Earth Strike, Climate Save, United against Racism &

Fascism, Amazon Watch, and many groups, have called for a gathering and march in Defense

of the Amazon and the indigenous peoples, plants and animals leaving within.

“For the sake of our global future - we will gather at Bryant Park and march together on 42nd

street, towards the United Nations. This will be the kick off of 30 days of several actions

showing the U.N. that they cannot have Jair Bolsonaro open the General Assembly on

September 24, as Brazil traditionally does, especially as Donald Trump follows him as host

country. The two have shown far too much cooperation that will hurt Brazil and its Rainforest. “

says Natalia de Campos, co-founder of the Defend Democracy in Brazil Committee. “At the

same time, it is incredible to see how much the world cares, and over 80 cities around the

world and hundreds inside Brazil are calling protests this weekend. We will not give up until the

government of Bolsonaro does not change attitude and policies, and while the announced

plans for trade agreements between the US and Brazil, which could further expand

agribusiness and logging, mining and as consequence killing indigenous people, are not

cancelled ”, she continues.

As the Amazon, the largest rainforest in the world is burning, the Climate Summit will be

convened in the 74th General Assembly of the United Nations in September. Hundreds of acres

of forest are disappearing rapidly. Jair Bolsonaro, President of Brazil, an extreme-right wing

climate change denier is largely to blame. Big farmers, and agribusiness , are setting fire to

large swaths of Brazil that include the Amazon, the Pantanal (or swamp region) of Mato

Grosso, a very rich and biodiverse region, and portions of other regions, to clear for cattle

raising and soybean planting. They are also burning down entire indigenous villages and killing

indigenous peoples. The President incited violence, made insinuating criminal comments

against the indigenous and NGOs, and signaled opening up protected land for exploitation.

Bolsonaro's government is also turning blind eye to illegal mining, which is killing indigenous

groups by poisoning their water with mercury, bringing diseases, and assassinating indigenous

leaders further North. Deforestation is happening four times faster than last year. As shown in

the news, as far as in the States in Minas Gerais and São Paulo, the smoke and particles are

traveling all the way to the southeast region. The government tried to dismiss saying there were

storm clouds but this is dry season in São Paulo. The day turned into night on Monday Aug 19

at 3PM with ashes and smoke

The groups in this coalition emphasize that this will be the beginning of a series of actions that

will continue in September against Bolsonaro, around the U.N. Climate Summit. (See schedule

below, which will be updated following the protests)

In April and May 2019, a series of actions by the coalition, and the pronunciation of Mayor Bill

De Blasio as Bolsonaro being a “dangerous human being”, caused the President of Brazil to

cancel his trip to New York for an awarding ceremony by the Brazilian- American Chamber of

Commerce. The Museum of Natural History cancelled the rental for the event and Cipriani Hall

refused to host it.


August 24, Bryant Park, NYC - enter on 41st street and 6th Avenue

1pm Protest; 2pm March

#savetheAmazon #stopFascism #cancelBolsonaro#protectourfuture



IN SEPTEMBER , JOIN US TOO!  Updates will be posted here:

SEPTEMBER SCHEDULE (subject to change, follow updates at defenddemocracyinbrazil.org/

news )

- Sept 1st Sunday - 1pm - 5pm: Brazil Day at SIXTH AVE & 46th st - outreach action


#FREELULA and remove Bolsonaro, who facilitates deportation of his own people.

- Sept 5th Thursday- 6pm, Brazilian Mission to the UN- 747 Third Acenue, New York, NY

details on this link:

Global Day of Action for the Amazon:


- Photo and video — surprise action iat the UN building

- Sept 9th Monday - 6PM: support acton at event with Greta Thunberg and Naomi Klein, at 64th

Street and Central Park West

-Sept 11th Wednesday - deliver of Cancel Bolsonaro (more information will be released soon)

- Sept 13th Friday - 11am to 1pm -action with the Youth at the United Nations Headquarters

(30-day Deadline of Extinction Rebellion to Bolsonaro, following action on August 13 at the

Brazilian Consulate) -

Sept 17th Tuesday - Teach in : 'Why to cancel Bolsonaro"' at Occupy Reawaken at Zuccotti

Park - time to be announced

- Sept 20th Friday - 10am: Join the Youth March Climate Change, starting at Columbus Circle

- rally and performances


- Sept 23rd Monday - 5:30PM , Bryant Park @ 42nd Street: Rise & Resist and the

#cancelBolsonaro contingent at the “United in Outrage: Resistance march”

- Sept 24th Tuesday - Opening of the General Assembly (7am-10am) & Climate Summit

opening: protest at the Delegations route Second Ave between 45 and 42nd streets ( a moving


- Sept 29th Sunday - 2-7pm - SOS Amazon action with Indigenous leaders from Around the

World at Tompkins Square Park (East Village)

More information and updates at: www.defenddemocracyinbrazil.org

Twitter: @Brazildemocracy

Facebook: Defend Democracy in Brazil

E-mail: defenddemocracyinbrazil@gmail.com

Image: Luciana Kornalewski - Mulheres da Resistência in collaboration with Defend Democracy in Brazil

Image: Luciana Kornalewski - Mulheres da Resistência in collaboration with Defend Democracy in Brazil