Donate to the victims of catastrophic floods in the south of Brazil via the MST!

Click here and scroll to the U.S. dollars donation link!

The Defend Democracy in Brazil committee in New York supports and endorses this campaign from the Landless Rural workers movement in Brazil ( the MST) for people displaced and affected by catastrophic floods in the south of Brazil- please click and scroll to donate in U.S. dollars- it is a safe and trustworthy movement!

✊🏿🚩 Support here the more than 500 settled families who have been hit by the worst weather disaster the state of Rio Grande do Sul has ever experienced.

Visit the campaign and contribute!

Any amount is welcome!

‼️ Thousands of people have now become climate refugees, sheltering in temporary locations, waiting for the water levels to drop. We know that it will be months before they have their lives on earth again and they will need a lot of support, because as well as the impact on their homes and belongings, their livelihoods have also been lost.

SOS Rio Grande do Sul!

#mstrs #enchentesrs #apoiase #solidariedade #ajudars